Rumi & Mathnawi

Serving as the reference piece of beauty of religion and mysticism, heavenly wealth of Mevlana & Mathnawi. A perfect artistic creativity becoming one with every detail of Mevlana & Mathnawi iOS and Android applications...

Konya Metropolitan Municipality
Some Reviews From Appstore
As a relatively new student of Mevlana I really appreciate this resource as a way to access Nicholson’s translation and footnotes. The beautiful artwork, music and immersive “setting” are heart warming and seem apt accompaniments to this revered work.
Great app. Dictionary and sharing support of desired content from within different volumes of the Mathnawi thus making it more helpful would be a tremendous addition.
Such a cool app. I love the atmosphere, the music, the reading. Really beautiful and well done
I don't have anything to compare this to, but I enjoy reading through this app. Haven't noticed any glitches. Works smoothly, lets me bookmark pages...
I am very happy to find this app. It works perfectly. You can read whole mesnevi in different languages. It includes english, german, turkish.
çok güzel düşünülmüş bir uygulama. Herkese tavsiye ederim. yapanların ellerine sağlık :)
Khodr khoder
This app is excellent. Thank you : )
Much more better than ı expected. Thanks a lot everyone who has part in it...
Bob Gerber
I am so grateful for the beautiful and excellent work that went into making this precious text accessible. How about a version for my apple computer.
Dariush Tanara
A great app: well designed, comprehensive, and educational. Thank you.
Zaffar Abdul Saleem
One of the finest.
This is one of the greatest application i've ever seen. Whenever I listen, the melody makes me happy. After i listened it, i decided to visit Konya to see Rumi. I strongly recommend.
Çok güzel bir uygulama. Allah razı olsun :)
Memphis Star
Turkce ceviri degisti mi? Ceviri yapan kisinin ismi yok. Footnote'lar kaybolmus. Keske Sefik Can gibi bir ustanin cevirisini kullansaydiniz. Onun disinda cok cok guzel bir uygulama. Emegi gecenlerin hayatlarina Allah binler bereket ihsan etsin..
I thank you from the bottom of my heart for this wonderful gift that you have given to so many. This is priceless.
allah sizden razi olsun...
Metin Acikalin
Üzerinde epeyce çalışılmış dört dörtlük tam bir Apple Store uygulaması olmus. Ücretsiz olması da ayrı bir güzellik. Yapanların ve Belediyenin eline saglik

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